2024 NTU Civil Engineering Run 第三屆台大土木盃路跑

土木一 Benjamin Strodl

It seemed to be a quiet, beautiful morning at the end of November. However, on this date, November 30, the Civil Engineering Department Run of NTU took place. The opening ceremony began at 7:30, and from then on, it was a tight schedule until the end of the day. The event was held next to NTU’s sports center.

At 7:50, a group of enthusiastic CE students led a professional warm-up and stretching session with all the runners.

However, there wasn’t much time to spare, as the relay run started promptly at 8:00 a.m. Groups of four participants sent their runners into the competition, all aiming to win this glorious race.

The chairs of the CE department, the CE alumni association, and the CE culture and education foundation, and two other dignitaries signaled the start by firing a “gun” into the air. From then on, runners of different disciplines started every 10 minutes. Participants could choose between four categories: a 21.2k relay run (with groups of four), a 21.2k individual run, a 10.6k individual run, and, last but not least, the 5.3k fun race. Families with small children participated in the latter; some pushed their children in strollers, while others carried them. People from all backgrounds were welcome to participate, not just CE students or alumni. I managed to capture some special moments of the race with my smartphone.

This year, more than 1,600 people signed up for the NTU CE run, a significant increase compared to last year. To ensure everything went smoothly, meticulous preparations were made beforehand, and many volunteers worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

Water was provided along the route for the runners.

When I approached the Civil Engineering Building, I saw a whole team of cooks and waiters preparing for the lunch event. As part of the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the CE department, historical pictures showcasing the department’s rich history were displayed.

Meanwhile, the first participants began crossing the finish line. As more people completed the race, I noticed many tired but happy faces while walking through the event area.

At 10:00, the award ceremony commenced. The president of the Civil Engineering Department and other notable figures gave speeches to the cheering crowd. The fastest runners and teams were invited to the stage, where they were presented with splendid trophies.

But it wasn’t just the winners who had the honor of climbing the stage. Special guests and students were also awarded prizes. I was particularly delighted to see four veterans attending the event and participating in the run, especially one of them is a retired professor of our department, Prof. Chiu. (邱昌平老師)

I (on the left) was also allowed to go on the stage.

From 11:00 onwards, current and former CE professors, alumni, and the chairmen of the CE alumni club gathered in front of the main library for a group photo, capturing these historic moments.

Each sign displayed the year in which their journey with the CE department began.

At noon, the long-awaited lunch event took place in a large tent in front of the CE department. CE professors, alumni, and guests from other departments were all welcome. It was an opportunity to reconnect with old professors and classmates, share memories, and see how people had evolved over the years.

This year’s lunch event was a great success: the number of attendees doubled to approximately 600, requiring about 60 tables to accommodate everyone. The CE run culminated in a luxurious meal featuring various seafood specialties, including lobster, oysters, and fish, as well as delicious chicken, vegetables, and countless other dishes. The meal was accompanied by performances from two artists, and the event concluded with final speeches.

Alumni singing “The Moon Represents My Heart” (“月亮代表我的心“)

In the end, we all gathered for group photo, capturing this wonderful moment.

The Civil Engineering Run was an incredibly enriching experience for me. I particularly enjoyed meeting a diverse range of people, including current students, alumni, as well as present and emeritus professors. As a member of the CE newsletter team, I had the unique opportunity to go behind the scenes, engage with the heads of our department, and fully immerse myself in the vibrant spirit of the CE Run. This event truly showed me what it means to be part of the CE community. Inspired by the experience, I am even considering participating as a runner next year to witness this wonderful event from a new perspective.