杜風 44 期 學術活動成果報導

東京大學土木系 Prof. Yozo Fujino





東京大學土木系Yozo Fujino教授受同濟大學土木學院及台大土木系之邀請,5月初先後於同濟及台大發表演講,本次經費來源主要是光華基金會捐贈給同濟的科研經費,該經費補助許多長短期訪問交流專家學者,其中最高等級為光華大師,一年約邀請兩位國際知名學者,必須於同濟及台灣分別發表演講。

Fujino教授為國際知名橋梁振動專家,除有豐富的著作外,也有很多實務經驗,另外也積極參與許多結構相關之國際組織。 本次在台灣共發表兩場演講,第一場是對台大土木結構組研究生,講題是有關橋梁振動量測及其於健康監測之應用。 第二場是在國家地震工程研究中心,講題是有關日本311地震,聽眾包括研究生、研究員及業界人士。Fujino教授和許多本系結構組同仁都相當熟悉,與本人也是舊識,此次同濟請我推薦一位光華大師,與他聯絡之後,他很爽快就答應了。本來預計訪問時間是3月或4月,受311地震影響,延到5月才成行。 Fujino教授演講內容很豐富,講話方式很風趣,也很有啟發性。 以下為兩場演講題目、摘要及部分活動照片。





演講一:5月5日(星期四)下午 2:20(土木館 220室)

主持人:呂良正 主任

講 題:Vibration-Based Health Monitoring of Bridges and Transportation
Infrastructures – Needs and Strategies


Safety, durability and long-term performance of bridges and transportation infrastructures are major issues that have been long recognized by governments, bridge authorities, and engineers. As the result, more efforts are now being devoted to enhance the implementation of technologies and methodologies for structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridges and transportation infrastructures. This paper describes the ongoing research on the application of vibration-based health monitoring techniques to monitor the condition of bridge and transportation system in Japan. Research and development of health monitoring systems involving: 1) long-span bridges using seismic and ambient records, and 2) railway and highway using vehicle-based systems are presented


    5月5日下午於土木館 220教室對土木系結構組研究生及教授發表演講






演講二:5月6日(星期五)早上9:30(國家地震工程研究中心 101室)

主持人:張國鎮 主任

講 題:2011.3.11 East Japan Great Earthquake M9.0 and its Disaster


311 East Japan Great Earthquake was an extremely large earthquake of M=9.0 and large tsunami as well as strong ground motion was followed. Huge damage to the coastal areas of the northern part of the main island is induced mainly by the extremely high tsunami. The lecture discusses

  1. Historical brief review of large earthquakes and their damage
  2. Seismological aspect of the earthquake and characteristics of the recorded ground motions
  3. Tsunami and tsunami-induced damage
  4. Historical earthquakes and tsunami in the region
  5. Infrastructure damage due to the ground motion
  6. Earthquake preparedness for Tokai earthquake


