唐獎點燃青年創意 具體實踐社會關懷



「華佗急先鋒」團隊由台南一中科學班組成,結合唐獎漢學獎及生技醫藥獎,設計出富含中醫知識的「未央村-中醫桌遊」,玩家需在有限的時間內,依據病症蒐集藥材,開立藥方贏得比賽。本身也是唐獎教育基金會董事的曾志朗稱讚台南一中提案「有理念、有學習、還有創意」,對於他們成功製作出一套桌遊 給予正面肯定。



「點燃創意‧跨出想像」第二屆高中職青年學子創意提案活動總計來自全台北中南14校22支隊伍參賽,較第一屆參與率成長近3倍,最後由7校9隊進入決賽,包括建國中學、北一女中、 新竹高中、台中一中、中興高中、北門高中及台南一中,從激烈競爭中脫穎而出。

Board Game Featuring Chinese Medicine and Literature Wins Innovation in High Schools Competition

TAIPEI – Nine finalists came head to head in the Second Innovation in High Schools Competition. The contest is hosted by the Tang Prize Foundation biennially in aim of encouraging high school students to be “Makers,” reaching out of the classrooms and beyond school curriculums. The project theme has to be related to the Tang Prize four categories: Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology and Rule of Law. Each team receives NT$100,000 sponsorship and half a year to realize their proposals.
The Gold went to Tainan First High School, who used every cent to its maximum and came out with a board game. The game combined Chinese medicine and literature, corresponding to the Biopharmaceutical Science and Sinology of Tang Prize.

The entire class, 30 energetic teenagers, attended the final. When the Gold was announced by Professor Ovid J. L. Tzeng, Chancellor of University System of Taiwan, the room echoed with their roaring. Even their competitors said “they really did a great job.”

Zhongxing High School nailed the Silver. They spent time with the elderlies in the community and raised awareness of common fraud tactics. If unfortunately falling into victims, they also provided information about how to minimize the harm and take legal action combating this type of crime. Their project theme corresponded to the Rule of Law of Tang Prize.

Hsinchu High School took the Bronze home with “How Are You, Farming Village? What Farmers Taught Us.” Farmlands has been compromised for industrial estate to boost economic growth. Students visited local farmers who are reluctant to yield and rolled up the sleeves to help in one season of rice farming. They came to understand the ties bound between people and the land when their feet were caked with mud, a strong hold that should not be removed from our life. This project reflected the values of Sustainable Development of Tang Prize.
These students managed well under limited budget and resource, delivering exciting proposals and successful execution. They fully embodied the spirit of Tang Prize in which innovation may come in any shape and size and anyone can be the maker of change.